Coaching & Consultation

Planting, pruning, or planning ahead? We can teach you what goes together and how to make it work.

Whatever you want to learn about or learn to do in your own garden, coaching is for you. Coaching can be ongoing or a one-time event.

Email us at

3 thoughts on “Coaching & Consultation

  1. Hi, I sent an email to the address listed above and was then immediately notified that the address does not exist. Do you have an alternative email address for an inquiry about a gardening consultation?

    1. Hi!
      We shouldn’t have an email listed, instead we have a contact form that gets sent directly to our email. Can you tell me where you found this email?

      Also, we weren’t alerted about this message and only found it today while doing some website maintenance :/

      Sorry it was difficult!

      Leah and Jacqui

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